The Google Map integration, allows the user to plot any set of objects on a map provided the object has a latitude and longitude as attributes.

Base URL:

The map URL takes the following parameters:

  • AccountID - this is required, is the ID of the Foundry Account
  • lat - this is the name of the attribute that holds the latitude in foundry, required
  • long - this is the name of the attribute the holds the longitude in Foundry, required
  • groupID - if this attribute is present, the system will plot all the devices within the given group on the map
  • deviceID - this can be a comma separated list of device IDs to be plotted on the map
  • refresh - number of seconds you want the map to refresh, if this parameter is omitted the map will refresh every 30 seconds


This URL would plot all objects in Account xxx-123, using the "latitude" and "longitude" attributes on the records

Plot all objects in group xxx-ABD

Plot a single objects xxx-12FD

Plot three objects:,xxx-22FD,xxx-33FD