Foundry has a feature which allows users to create and host HTML forms for use as data input "devices". HTML Forms post their data to an end point configured with the customer's Foundry instance. This Form POST data is then converted to MQTT via a lambda function and published on the specified topic. 

Use Cases

  • Auto Provisioning Forms
  • Data Entry Forms
  • User Registration Forms

Foundry Form Builder

The Foundry Form Builder is a tool that is deployed with Foundry and managed through Page Manager. The drag and drop tool creates an HTML form and uploads that form to a bucket on S3 named foundry-forms. 


  • Forms must be saved and downloaded
  • Saving the form will open a pop-up which will prompt you to enter the file name and enter the end point
  • Downloaded form should be uploaded to Foundry foundry-forms S3 bucket
  • Forms must be set to public through S3. (This attribute will be set automatically via the Form Builder application)
  • mqtt_topic is a required field (hidden or generated through the form fields)
  • Button type must be "Submit"

Using your AWS Endpoint: 

  1. Login to your AWS account and navigate to AWS API Gateway.
  2. Click on FoundryCustomerSideV2 API.
  3. In the side menu select Stage and choose stage v2.
  4. Find the POST URL: /foundry/form-to-mqtt and click on the POST method.
  5. Use the invoke URL as your endpoint.

Pages can be added to Foundry navigation using the iFrame feature of PageManager. 

  1. Login to Foundry and navigate to Page Manager.
  2. Choose a page name and for URL select iFrame URL.
  3. Copy the URL that was generated from the form builder into URL and click create page.